Welcome to Journey into Business!

Business is all around us, everyone is doing it and doing it their own unique way, but they use a lot of the same tools to build a lot of different businesses.

Journey into Business is about identifying the tools in the toolbox and figuring out what they do. JiB will show you the models, theories, case studies, ethics, history of how things behind those “staff only” doors you see in supermarkets.

Something JiB is NOT about is recruiting, networking, MLMing or telling you how you “can make millions”. All that is up to you (except the MLM, don’t do that it’s a bad thing).

So I hope you enjoy this Journey and learn something about how society, specifically the bits to do with commerce and the economy, works.

Journey into Business, is a modular workshop program aimed at small start ups, though the workshops are available to anyone who may deem them useful.

  • Start up, growth, expansion evolution
  • Management and leadership
  • Marketing and Networking
  • Personal and professional development
  • Ethics and sustainability
  • Working with people, the personnel touch (formerly Human Resources)

The modules are designed with ethical practice and earning a living, not making a fortune at any cost.

Ideal for start ups that have the passion and the idea but need the direction and focus. Might be basics, might be guidence but it's all part of the Journey into Business.

"There's no such thing as Business Ethics; there's just ethics. And ethics make no concessions for the real or imagined necesities of making a profit." ~ Michael Josephson.